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WhatsApp number 0729822521. *🫵♻️Just sent 🗳️Only R15 CAPITEC MONEY EWALLET or* *🫵R20 Hollywood vou

2,543 Views· 12/07/23
7 Subscribers

⁣*🫵♻Just sent 🗳Only R15 CAPITEC MONEY EWALLET or*
*🫵R20 Hollywood voucher*

*✍I will give You Back My Own 13.Masterburtion Video🪂*
*& 8.Nudes Pussy Pictures🧘*

*🫵I will also share 2 different types of porn links to you*

*✍♻Mzansi masterubution Video_*
*Other group is🍑*

*🫵♻Ben 10 & Sugar mom' porn Videos*
*👁‍🗨️For 🫵 Video call 📲*
*✍Just Transfer R15 Capitec money or do FNB Ewallet👍*

*🫵To 0729822521*
*✍If u are in capitec just tell me to give you my Capitec Number*

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